Glance from Traffic Products
PC Scoot from Traffic Products
Vantage Live from Traffic Products
Concert from Traffic Products
Adaptive Systems
Glance from applied information
Intersection control is probably the most widely deployed of all ITS system types. Implementations vary from small, isolated intersections running a free pattern, coordinated arterials and grid systems all the way to adaptive systems. At the more sophisticated end of the spectrum, intersections are connected to a central control system and information about the system is readily available. However, in most agencies, even those with central control systems, a large portion of the intersections are isolated with no communications link at all, meaning that agencies have no mechanism to monitor status. Contact Traffic Products for more information.
PC Scoot from seimens
PC SCOOT monitors traffic flow in real-time The latest version of the PC SCOOT adaptive traffic control software has been proven in over 100 towns and cities around the world as effective in reducing congestion and maximizing the efficiency of the road network. The effect of traffic congestion is an ever increasing problem in towns and cities throughout North America. The successful management of traffic in the 21st century places many demands upon traffic engineers and officials. As the volume of traffic on highways and roadways continues to grow at a greater rate than the capacity of the road network, the effect of traffic congestion is an ever increasing problem in towns and cities throughout North America. The traffic engineer in a modern traffic control center is continually working to maximize the efficiency of the traffic flow while minimizing any disruptions caused by incidents and events. The implementation of an effective adaptive control system benefits traffic in the town or city as well as the local economy and environment.
Vantage Live from Iteris
VantageLive!™ is an easy to use, web-based data service that allows users to view activity at their intersections by automatically collecting and analyzing vehicle, bicycle and pedestrian data. VantageLive! is the first service of its kind to simplify the process of presenting turning movement count data and has the potential to replace most or all temporary data collection efforts. Utilizing the cloud-based infrastructure, VantageLive! automatically provides regular updates without any effort from the user. The Vantage Data Engine receives data from Iteris Vantage platforms installed throughout the agency and securely sends it to the cloud. Data and information can then be viewed via a web browser by multiple agency personnel; from traffic engineers to the planning department and beyond.
Concert from Seimens
Traffic flows are getting heavier and more varied; burdens are increasing. That is why many cities want to improve their traffic planning and run more effective control strategies in response to the situation. But how can this be implemented, knowing there is no ONE overarching solution that integrates everything, while complexity continues to increase? SITRAFFIC® Concert now provides this solution – and it is also very simple. Because the system processes data relevant to traffic from all manner of different sources and uses it to generate information for everyone who needs to know.