All Weather Conditions Sensor

Assembled from the most accurate individual sensors, the result comes from our Vendor Partner- Lufft, with their product family of smart weather sensors. Not just one device for all purposes - we have the right combination for every application such as for meteorology, hydrology, traffic weather, pv monitoring, AgMet or building automation. Call Traffic Products for more information on weather sensors.

Contact Traffic Products for more information.


Intelligent Road Sensor(AR31-UMB 

The embedded active road weather sensor ARS31-UMB detects freezing temperatures independently from de-icing materials and is easy to maintain through its two parted housing



The NIRS31-UMB is a non-invasive road weather sensor working with optical principle and is mounted several meters above the surface at bridges or masts. It measures surface conditions such as wetness, ice, snow, or frost as well as water film heights, ice percentage in water and freeze point temperature. Through these measurements it generates the friction coefficient on the road or runway.

  • Parameters measured:Layer thickness of water, snow and ice, surface conditions (dry, damp, wet, snow, ice), friction, optional: road surface temperature

  • Measurement technology:Optical principle, pyrometer

  • Product highlights:non-invasive, easy to install and add to existing measurement networks, friction measurement, real time data providing

  • Interfaces:UMB-binary, SDI-12, ASCII-UMB, analog outputs in combination with digital-analog-converter DACON8-UMB


Non Invasive Road Sensor (NIR30-UMB) 

Measures-Layer thickness of water, snow and ice, surface conditions (dry, damp, wet, snow, ice, friction, optional: road surface temperature.


Radar Precipitation Sensor (R2S-UMB)

Allows fast measurement of precipitation intensity and distinguishes between precipitation type (Rain, snow, sleet, freezing rain, hail). The operation is maintenance-free, thanks to radar measurement technology.